Karen Kopacz
Catalog of Works
Community Engagement, Residencies & Awards
Minnesota Master Naturalist
Completed training for the Big Woods, Big Rivers program.
June, 2022-Present
New York Mills Arts Residency Program, Minnesota
Accepted for a 2-week residency created by the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center and outreach programming; continued development of Public Field Guide project and creation of a documentary film about people reinventing a new American dream.
May, 2014
Twin Cities Fine Arts Organization
Board Member
National Philanthropy Award
Annual report design, content and presentation
American Design Award
Three-time winner for Web design
Portfolios Online Book Publication
Featured in the Web design anthology “Portfolios Online,” published by Hearst Books Intl.
Published Works
Written by Karen Kopacz
The Ovenbird & the Wisdom of Wild Spaces
The Fringed Gentian
Friends of the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden Newsletter
Read Story (PDF)
Summer, 2023
We Are All Connected Through Water
Summit Hill Association Magazine
An article on Annie Hejney’s solo exhibition Waterlines at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum in Winona, Minnesota.
Read Story (PDF)
September, 2018
Published by MNartists.org
& MinnPost | Perspectives
September, 2008
Guest Writer
First Avenue In-House Magazine
Stories on local music at First Avenue & 7th Street Entry.
Pitchfork Media
Stories and photography about the experience of seeing live music in the early days of Pitchfork. Stories featured Stereolab, Mercury Rev, and many other bands in genres from dream pop to punk. Work with Pitchfork included backstage photo shoots with musicians like David Byrne (story by Jason Josephs).
Shows Featuring Work by Karen Kopacz
Inside : Out
James Wegner Art Gallery
Riverland Community College
Show: November 14 - December 20, 2022
Artist Talk: December 1, 2022 (online)
Inside : Out featured a group of artists exhibiting work connected to landscape and place. This group show’s theme was inspired by contemporary artist Teresita Fernández, whose work focuses on how land and landscape is shaped by people and place, rather than a fixed vista. Work is displayed by artists Karen Kopacz, Michael McCaffrey, Leslie Monagale, Ponolnia Odahara Novack, Dean Trisko, and Marsha Tuchscherer.
Wherever You Go, There You Are
Kopplin’s Coffee
Solo Exhibition
Opening Reception: Fall, 2007
Print Publications
Design &/or Curation
Hand Papermaking
A Print Publication on the Art and Practice of Hand Papermaking
Magazine Designer
First printed in 1986, this bi-annual publication archives a unique repository of stories on the art and craft of hand papermaking from technique and approach in contemporary art to history, advocacy, equity, and community. Each issue includes tipped-in handmade paper samples.
Mental Contagion (Condensed Archive)
Arts & Literature Online Magazine
Online Journal Founder, Director & Publisher
Issues Published: 86
SXSW Interactive Festival Panelist
Fostering New Culture on the Internet (2005)
First Avenue In-House Magazine
Designer & Art Director
Issues: 30- 38
This bi-monthly publication featured interviews and articles with musicians performing at First Avenue & 7th Street Entry. Karen worked alongside staff, writers, and photographers as a writing contributor, then designer, and later art director of the magazine.
First Avenue In-House Magazine #37. Cover: Flaming Lips.
First Avenue In-House Magazine #32. Cover: Koerner, Ray & Glover (top), Low (bottom).
First Avenue In-House Magazine #32. Interior: Hank Williams III (right).
First Avenue In-House Magazine #38. Interior: Mixmaster Mike/Rahzel (top right).
The Minneago Belladonna Journal
Zine Designer & Editor
Issues: 1-8
A zine featuring art, photography, literature, and music bridging communities in Minneapolis and Chicago. Local artists and musicians contributed stories, reviews, and interviews. Covers were screen printed. Distributed at cafes, thrift stores, and local businesses in the Twin Cities.
Curated Events
Mobile Art Gallery
Event Founder, Organizer & Curator
Rock & Roll Minneapolis
Cause Spirits & Soundbar
Opening reception: Friday, July 17
Show dates: July - September 2009
Reconnect With Your Space
Stix & Stones Realty Group
Opening reception: Friday, October 5, 2007
Creative Electric Studios
Summer, 2005
Speaking & Presentations
June 18th, 2021
Remembering Our Living Relationship With Plants
The Plant Initiative
Toward a New Way of Being With Plants
3-Day Conference
Keynote speaker: Suzanne Simard, author of Finding the Mother Tree
Event partners: U of M, Center for Biological Diversity, CIIS, and more
Toward a New Way of Being With Plants explores human/plant connections ethics and opportunities for developing more respectful and reciprocal relationships between humans and plants.
Co-presenting with my brother Dr. David Koapcz, MD, our talk Remembering Our Living Relationship With Plants was part of a 3-day conference featuring 30 international speakers.
With permission from artist and author Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow), our talk highlighted an initiation ceremony filmed and edited by Karen in collaboration with Joseph and David. Joseph Rael was born in 1935 on the Southern Ute reservation to a chief’s granddaughter and a Tiwa-speaking Picuris native. He has authored 15 books, five of which were co-authored with David. The video coincided with the release of their book, "Becoming Medicine.” Karen shared stories about working with Joseph and the importance of shifting language and ideas in order to promote consciously connecting to the living world.
January, 2019
Becoming Undone: The Unknown in Front of Us
Intertwine's Hero’s Journey Series
Presented on connecting art and nature and led a short meditation on forgiveness, followed by a Land Healing visualization and drawing exercises. An ongoing series about the call to adventure and attuning to nature to create a pathway back to self.
March, 2005
Fostering New Culture on the Internet
Interactive Festival Panelist
Keynote speakers: Malcom Gladwell and Ana Marie Cox.
Panelist in Fostering New Culture on the Internet at the SXSW 2005 Interactive Festival for online arts & literature magazine Mental Contagion (2000-2008). The invitation was the result of a print initiative that cross-promoted Mental Contagion and Trampoline House, a New York-based music, arts, and writing online magazine.
Interviews & Media
Stories Featuring Karen & Her Work
Good Selection
Minnesota Business | Industry Watch
Written by Erica Rivera
An interview with Molly Priesmeyer and Karen Kopacz discussing their creative consultancy Good Work Group. Working with social entrepreneurs, mission-driven organizations, and small businesses their team develops consistent messaging, outreach, and identity.
February, 2014
Walker Art Center’s MNartists
KFAI | Art Matters & MNartists.org
Interviewed by Marya Morstad
Interview with Web designer, writer and musician, Karen Kopacz.
January, 2007
Live Music Performance
KUOM/Radio K
Live on-air music performance and interview on Radio K, preceding a show at the Bryant-Lake Bowl.
January 11, 2000
Gig Magazine
Written by Winona Sorenson
Kopacz live music performance at 7th Street Entry in Minneapolis.