Maps: Geologic
Data Maps by State
NOTE: Geologic Maps are congressionally mandated. They are not referenced or cited in any of my published works due to legal restrictions.
An ongoing collection of geologic maps showing interactive data in the U.S. and by state showing mining, fracking, natural gas wells, injection wells, earthquakes, and other data.
Using these maps, and other open source data resources, I am able to reverse engineer stories, articles and research about environmental issues around public land and protected areas without using any actual data or information from these maps.
These maps show where injection wells and other natural resource structures are located. Some park stewards spend their time in constant negotiation with oil companies, attempting to keep them out of the park boundaries because many of the wells hold toxic fracking waste water of undisclosed chemical make-up. When toggling the oil wells, a negative space map that edges against protected areas appears, showing industry gathered at the borders of protected spaces. On some maps, injection wells can be seen inside the boundaries of national preserves.
How to View These Maps
Click icons to find layers that display different types of data and toggle layers to display. (Data layers may be present in several icons.)
Legend displays symbols to identify mines, well types, oil and gas, or other data.
Continue to zoom in until symbols display; it often appears that there is no data at the default zoom setting.
In some cases, it can take up to one minute for data to display.
Every map and legend is different and varies from state to state and map to map. Oil and gas may not be available to view on every map, for example.
Some maps will enforce terms agreement prior to viewing.
The National Map (Watersheds, Faults, Glaciation)
National Geologic Map Database
US Mineral Resource Map (Mine Prospecting)