Where the Tallgrass Still Grows

Tallgrass prairie once spanned 170 million acres across the United States. Now less than 4% remains.

The rocky soil of the Flint Hills prevented early farmers from tilling the land, inadvertently preserving the largest expanse of this unique ecosystem in the US. This drawing shows a burn area in the grassland, revealing the rocks that saved this important, and now nearly entirely vanished, tallgrass prairie from the national landscape.

Drawing of Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve by Karen Kopacz

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve by Karen Kopacz

Karen Kopacz

Design for the Arts provides brand engagement and creative campaigns for print, Web and multi-media initiatives. Brand developer and designer Karen Kopacz partners with forward-thinking entrepreneurs, businesses, and organizations to strategically and creatively accomplish goals.


River Files & the Creation of the Federal EPA